Export Data


Users with the Admin, Finance or Export role can extract all of the information from Skovik by creating export orders. These export orders can then be used for internal audits or when transferring data between different systems.

Creating an export

  • Go to Export in the left-hand menu

  • Fill in the form on the page.

    • For information regarding export formats for a specific payroll or ERP system, look at the table of contents

  • Press the blue Export button.

  • Download the recently created file under the headline Your recent exports.

If you need to create multiple exports simultaneously, it is faster to create them individually

Tips for the export process

When exporting information, we recommend creating export orders without any overlapping or missing dates. You can ensure this process by using the History tab at the top right corner of the export page.

Example 1

Company A has to book their expenses on the 4th of May. Company A will therefore pull their export order on the morning of the 4th. Looking at the History tab, the last export contained the period the 1st of Mars 2022 - the 3rd of April 2022. Company A should therefore pull the report for the period from the 4th of April 2022 - the 3rd of May 2022.

When pulling a report, the end date should never be the same as today's date. Otherwise, additional reports can be approved after you have exported the information from Skovik.

Example 2

Company B hasn't had any activity during the summer holidays. The finance department has therefore not exported anything in a very long time. Company B wants to book all their expenses for the summer the 10th of September (Today's date). Looking at the History tab, the last export contained the period the 26th of April 2022 - the 28th of May 2022. Company B should therefore pull the report for the period the 29th of May 2022 - the 9th of September 2022.

When pulling a report, the end date should never be the same as today's date. Otherwise, additional reports can be approved after you have exported the information from Skovik.

Export templates

If you need to change many settings when creating the export order, i.e., by changing what should be included in the export or want the format to be pre-filled, you can ask Skovik support to activate the export templates feature. You can read more about export templates here:

Last updated